Student Solution


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1 University

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1 Subject

Planning, Implementing, and Evaluating the family resource

Planning, Implementing, and Evaluating the family resource

Q Task: Summarize Chapter 6 Planning, Implementing, and Evaluating in 250 to 300 words. Include word count. Summarize Chapter 7 Communication in 250 to 300 words. Include word count. Using bullet points, create a to do list with target date for each task, to complete the Time Management Activities successfully. Your Personal Goal Final Paper needs to be in APA format and style. If you have not done so, download “APA Style Paper Template” from MSWord so you can modify to prepare your assignment. How else do you want to ensure you format your work in APA? Can you go see a tutor at the Learning Resource Center? Explain your plan. Last week's topic was you Planning, Implementing, and Evaluating. What is one of your long term goals? What can you do this month to reach this goal? How do you want to plan and implement what you can do this month, referencing the reading assignment, so that you will reach the goal? ?

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1. In the chapter 6, the planning of the lifestyle of an individual is very critical to control. It is the environment of the family that can help to plan, implement and evaluate the lifestyle of the person. On the other hand, it can be stated that the multitasking capabilities of the person is not very tough. An individual can learn it through practice in daily life. The planning can be of financial plans for family, weekend plan, and wedding plan for a family member (Goldsmith 2012). It has been observed from this chapter that the process of planning plays a crucial role in the existence of human life.